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Closed Transaction

import ClosedTransaction from 'tripay-node/closed-transaction'

const transaction = new ClosedTransaction({
apiToken: 'YOUR_API_TOKEN',
merchantCode: 'YOUR_MERCHANT_CODE',
privateKey: 'YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY',

// Fetching the details of a previously made transaction.
const detail = await transaction.detail('YOUR_TRANSACTION_REFERENCE')


// Creating a new transaction
const create = await transaction.addOrderItem({
price: 10000,
quantity: 1,
sku: 'SKU',
subtotal: 10000,
image_url: '',
product_url: '',
amount: 10000,
method: 'BNIVA',
merchant_ref: 'MERCHANT_REF',
customer_name: 'John Doe',
customer_email: '',
customer_phone: '1234567890',
expired_time: new Date().getTime() + 3600 * 1000, // 1 hours expiration
