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Unofficial NodeJS HoYoLab API Wrapper

Easy to Use

We offers an easy-to-use API that abstracts away the complexities of the underlying Hoyolab API. With a few simple function calls, developers can retrieve the data they need without worrying about the details of the API endpoints.


We Provides a comprehensive set of APIs to fetch in-game data resources of almost all games in the HoYoVerse. This means that developers can easily integrate the library with their projects, regardless of which game they are working on.

Built with TypeScript

The library is built with TypeScript, which means that type checking is performed during development, catching potential errors before runtime. By leveraging TypeScript, developers can ensure better code quality and maintainability

Zero Dependency

This library is built without using any external dependencies, everything is processed optimally to accomplish what needs to be done.

Support ESM and CJS

There is no need to worry about using this library in CJS or ESM environments because it supports both of them by default.


There is no need to worry about caching because in this library, every accessed API is automatically handled with an In-Memory Caching system, enabling fast and efficient access.